Thursday, December 6, 2012

University of Utah Signing--"Open Doors: Fractured Fairy Tales"

Signing at the University of Utah

 So far Open Doors: Fractured Fairy Tales has gotten amazing reviews.

Wayman received this email the first day the anthology came out:
"I just read The Little Red Hen Moves to Beverly Hills. I LOVED it!"

Here's a review left on Linkedin:
"The third story in this anthology might be the best short story I have ever read. I have got to find out if the author has written any other stories, so I can read them. If this is the first story the author has had published; I'm begging him [if you haven't started writing your next story yet]; wtf are you waiting for!? Get started already!"  

5-star Reviews on Amazon:
"I especially liked Hanzel and Gretyl: A Boomer Fairy Tale. Kudos to author Timothy Hurley, M.D.
Fairy tale meets modern suspense thriller combining Brothers Grimm, Abbot & Costello and an iPhone."  --Deborah S. Marcus

"Open Doors: Fractured Fairy Tales is an eclectic compilation of clever, funny & imaginative (& sometimes, even a little scary) takeoffs on well known nursery rhymes & fairy tales. Give yourself and/or your friends a treat & buy this book. It was an absolute joy to read!"  --Fishducky  

"All I can say is, wow! I had no idea there would be this many stories combined into this book. And what is even more impressive, is all are top notch. There are a ton of different writing styles, which allows for everyone to find something they like. Fairy tales have never been so colorful. Add to your must buy list today!"  --Pat Hatt author of The Honk of Zagonk

"Fun book to read! Such fun, interesting variations to the fairy tales! Especially loved the story by Debra Kristi ;The Lonely Egg. Very good writing skills! Such a beautiful story!  Anyone would love these stories! Some made me laugh out loud! Loved the humor and other touching stories.  They warm your heart!  Highly recommend!"  --Veryl

If you'd like to read a sample of Open Doors: Fractured Fairy Tales, click the following picture:
   Remember that all profit from this book, from now until 12/20, will be donated in the form of Christmas gifts to the children at Primary Children's Hospital.

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